Saturday, December 21, 2013

So here we go...

My first blog post.  I have wanted to do this for quite some time.  The impending BIG 4-0 hasn't thrown me into the tailspin crisis that I've seen others suffer.  It has, however, had me evaluating my "first half" and really thinking about what I want to do with the "second half".  I use quotes because nothing is guaranteed. I could be run over by a busload of Chinese tourists tomorrow. Who knows? My work as an AEMT and volunteer firefighter reminds me of this fact regularly.

As for the title of this blog, I am going to do 40 my way.  I have spent most of my years, to date, worried about others. I am finally realizing that I need to take time for me. I matter. I have needs. I am responsible to make sure that they are met.  I will no longer put all of my needs in a box and hide them away.

You are welcome to join me.  Your constructive comments, encouragement, questions and shared thoughts are welcome.

Much Love,